Monday, July 19, 2010

Play list? I think not

So, this post was supposed to be about my running play list. It should be about why I’m a terrible blogger. Instead, it’s going to be about setbacks. Sigh.

On Monday, July 12, 2010, I began Week 7 of the Couch to 5k program. On Wednesday, July 14, 2010, I finished Day 2 or Week 7. My assignment – brisk 5 minute warm up followed by a 25 minute jog. I left the house at 6 am. The temp? 75 degrees. The humidity? 94%. Yeah. Not quite sultry, but…still. I put on my water wings & out I went. Tore it UP. Sprinted across the main road & down to the cemetery. Felt the “we’re glad we’re not you, but you keep chugging, kiddo” energy of the spirits pushing me along. Came home and…

In an attempt to help my husband & son get out the door on time, I went to the basement to empty the dehumidifier. I carried the bucket towards the toilet bowl, bent my knees (like I’m supposed to!), and prepared to dump away. Then spent the next 5-10 minutes crying on my basement floor in agony. I have a terrible back, have I mentioned that?

Three days of 3,000 mg of ibuprofen and two visits to my chiropractor/physical therapist later…I could walk. I could sit up for awhile. And I missed completing Week 7. So, I went to Sonic & got a corn dog instead. Oh, and some ice cream…

Today is Monday, July 19, 2010. I see my doctor again today. I’m still on a ton of Vitamin I. But maybe I’ll be back on track by the end of this week, which should be the end of Week 8, but…who knows where I’ll need to go back to. Fortunately, the 5k I’ve chosen is not until the end of September. It’s a fundraiser for Parkinson’s disease research. And I’m going to make it…